Soccer Balls for Toddlers (What Size?)

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When your kids start to get a little more stable on their feet, you might think that it’s time to buy them their first ever soccer ball! 

At least, that’s what I did, and as soon as my son could walk, he had a soccer ball to kick around the garden. 

So, to help you choose the ideal soccer ball for your toddler, I explain some of the things you need to know about sizing and weight to ensure you can pick an ideal soccer ball for their age.

What’s the ideal-sized soccer ball for a toddler?

The ideal-sized soccer ball for a toddler is one with a diameter of around 4 inches. Some companies describe these balls as size one or size two, but there’s no uniform sizing guide. 

Ideally, you want something bigger than a tennis ball to help your young ones master their skills, but not too big that they keep falling over. 

Helpfully, there are lots of options both online and in sports shops when it comes to buying a soccer ball for your toddler, so you can take your pick based on the various sizes available. 

For instance, this soft soccer ball is perfect for toddlers in terms of size and weight and is the perfect place to begin your research.

How hard should a toddler’s soccer ball be?

This really depends on the type of soccer ball you have bought for your toddler. If you’re inflating it, we’d recommend doing so until it’s relatively firm but not too hard that it may injure your little one. 

Make sure you can press the soccer ball ever so slightly between your finger and thumb, as this will ensure it’s not too hard for your toddler to kick. 

Of course, you can also opt for a foam soccer ball for your toddler or one with a naturally soft interior if you’re worried about them getting hurt.

The fact that there are so many types of soccer balls out there that are suitable for kids means that you can pick and choose something that works for you.

What is the smallest soccer ball size?

The smallest official size soccer ball is a size three. However, when it comes to soccer balls for toddlers, they’re not typically given a size, although you might see them listed as size one or size two.

When you’re doing your research, it’s better to look at the diameter of the soccer ball in inches, as this will help you ascertain which is best suited to your kids. 

The main thing to remember is that you want something that your little one can kick easily, so the soccer ball has to be relatively small and lightweight. 

If you’d like more information about the different sized soccer balls available, check out our complete guide to soccer ball sizes here.

Can toddlers play with adult-sized soccer balls?

My two-year-old son loves nothing more than kicking a size-five soccer ball around the backyard, and it’s hard to get it off him! In fact, he prefers the adult soccer ball to his own mini ball that I ordered off the internet.

In terms of developing his skills, the size five isn’t ideal, as he simply toe pokes it across the garden and runs after it. But he seems to enjoy himself, and I have no problem running after him as he tries to keep a big soccer ball under control. 

So, while it’s safe to give your toddler an adult-sized soccer ball to play with, it won’t help them a great deal when it comes to mastering their skills, so a mini ball is a much better option.

At what age should you buy a soccer ball for a toddler?

This really depends on how stable your little one is on their feet. I had a ball around the house ready for as soon as my little boy could walk, and he showed an interest in it when he was around one. 

Now that he’s bigger and able to walk and run pretty well, he’s loving the fact that he can kick a ball out on the grass and chase after it. 

Therefore, while every child is different, based on my own experience, I would recommend buying a soccer ball for your toddler when they’re anywhere between the age of 1-2, but there’s not really a right or wrong time to buy them their first ball.

When should children start using a size 3 soccer ball?

In most cases, kids transition to a size 3 soccer ball when they’re around 5 or 6 years old. This is often when lots of children start playing competitive soccer for the first time in little leagues around the country. 

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with picking up a size 3 soccer ball when your children are still toddlers to give them the opportunity to practice with a slightly bigger soccer ball in preparation for matches with their team. 

As is the case with most aspects of parenting, deciding on the ideal soccer ball for your toddler is pretty much down to your own discretion, and you can decide for yourself when you think they’re ready for something slightly bigger.

The verdict: The ideal soccer ball size for toddlers

So, if you’re in the process of buying your toddler their first soccer ball, look for one marketed as a mini ball, or use the sizing above as your guide. 

If your toddler is anything like mine, you will find that they’re happy to kick a soccer ball of practically any size, making your job that little bit easier!

Planning to buy your little one some soccer cleats to go with their first ball? Check out this article about soccer cleats for toddlers and whether they’re necessary.

This article was reviewed and updated on October 3rd, 2022.

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