Soccer Tape: Why & When Do Players Use it?

If you’ve ever tuned in to a live soccer game, you might be wondering – why do soccer players tape their wrists? After all, it seems like a strange thing to do in a game where players rely on their feet! 

In this article, we introduce the different ways in which soccer players use tape and look at why they often tape their wrists, fingers, and even socks. 

Why do soccer players tape their wrists?

Soccer players tape their wrists to prevent injury, to cover tattoos or marks, or for superstitious reasons. In other words, there are lots of reasons why they tape their wrists, and it’s down to personal preference. Let’s look at some of those reasons in more detail now. 


To prevent injury

Soccer is a contact sport, and when players come together and wrestle for possession, injuries can occur. When players fall to the ground at high speeds, they typically put their hands out in front of them to protect themselves from the fall. 

If a player has a particularly weak wrist, strengthening it with surgical tape is a good way of adding some extra stability. In this sense, the tape works a little like ankle guards and is a protective measure that some soccer players take. 

To cover tattoos or marks

Believe it or not, some soccer players tape their wrists to cover tattoos or marks. If you’ve ever watched a soccer game live on TV or in person, you will have noticed that tattoos are extremely popular with soccer players, and most players don’t have a problem with showing off their body art. 

But some players don’t want to show off their body art to the world, and covering their tattoos with tape is a good alternative. Given the high level of exposure that soccer players experience, taping their wrists is an effective way of protecting their privacy.

For superstitious reasons

Sport is incredibly superstitious. Some players sit in the same spot in the locker room, while others wear the same lucky pants every match. For example, Arsenal and Man City legend Kolo Toure insisted on being the last player out on the pitch every week. 

Although it might seem strange, some soccer players may tape their wrists out of superstition. Perhaps they did it once to protect themselves from injury, and now they can’t stop doing it in case it changes the outcome of a match. Soccer players are crazy like that – you heard it here first! 

Why do soccer players tape their fingers?

The main reason that soccer players tape their fingers is to cover their wedding ring or any other jewelry. However, some players – specifically goalkeepers – might also do it to protect their fingers, particularly if they have recently injured their hands. Let’s explore these reasons in a little more detail. 

To cover jewelry

Although there is a rule preventing soccer players from wearing jewelry on the field, some players use tape to cover their wedding rings or any other jewelry for that matter. 

While it’s not permitted, some referees turn a blind eye to tape that is used to cover a wedding band, and it’s arguably the main reason why soccer players use tape on their fingers in the first place. 

To protect their fingers

It’s common to see goalkeepers tape their fingers as a way of offering their fingers additional protection. While the best goalie gloves in the world are designed with finger-saving material, adding tape offers a little extra protection. 

Outfield players might tape their fingers together if they have recently suffered a hand injury, but it’s not particularly common. 

What else do soccer players use tape for?

Although soccer players primarily use tape for securing around their wrists or fingers, there are other uses for it in the game. 

For instance, you often see – particularly in amateur soccer – players using colored tape on the outside of their socks. This is to hold up their shin guards, as they often don’t stay in place throughout a match.  

Some players might also use tape as a quick fix for their cleats, but this isn’t common in pro soccer, and it’s a sign that it could be time to buy a new pair of soccer cleats

Are there any rules about the use of tape in soccer?

Although tape is not meant to be used to cover jewelry in soccer, it is commonly used for this purpose. Players are meant to remove all jewelry before entering the field of play, and it’s the referee’s responsibility to check each player beforehand. 

Where tape is used on soccer kit, it should be the same color as the team’s kit. For instance, if you’re using tape on your team’s red socks, it should be red tape. 

However, this rule is not strictly enforced – particularly in recreational and amateur soccer – so you don’t need to worry about it too much. In the worst-case scenario, the referee might ask you to remove the tape, which certainly isn’t the end of the world.

Which type of tape do soccer players use?

When taping their wrists and fingers, most soccer players use surgical tape. For taping their kit, a standard roll of tape that you can buy at a local hardware store is more than sufficient. 

So, if you’re planning to tape your fingers or wrists to emulate your favorite pro soccer player, you can do so by heading to your local pharmacy or hardware store, depending on what you’re planning to tape up. 

Recap: Why soccer players use tape

The answer to the question – why do soccer players tape their wrists and fingers – is that there are multiple reasons, as explained above. 

So, next time you see your favorite player taking a throw-in, you now know the reasons that their wrists might be taped and will no longer be wondering what the point of it is.