The Best Drinks for Soccer Players (Reviewed!)

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things for all athletes, and soccer players are no different. So, in this article, we answer the question – what do soccer players drink during games? – and offer some advice on the best drinks to take before, during, and after a soccer game. 

What do soccer players drink during games?

Most soccer players drink water during games to keep themselves hydrated. However, it’s also common for soccer players to turn to energy drinks and rehydration sachets to boost their hydration levels. Let’s look at these three options in a little more detail now.



Most soccer players drink water during matches as it’s the best way to stay hydrated. Approximately 60% of the human body is water, so keeping hydrated during physical exercise is super important. 

Water is also freely available and easy to access, making it a popular choice for soccer players all around the world. All professional clubs have water carriers by the side of the field, freely accessible to all players as and when they need it. 

 So, if you’ve recently taken up soccer, invest in a drinks flask and make sure you take a bottle of water with you to any upcoming match. Dehydration will affect your performance – and your health – so it’s really important to keep hydrated throughout a match. 

You should also make sure your kids take on enough fluids when they’re playing soccer, so grab them a funky water bottle and encourage them to rehydrate throughout the match! 

Energy drinks

Some soccer players turn to energy drinks during soccer matches to supplement their rehydration. There are lots of brands on the market, but you should look for a brand that contains electrolytes. 

When the body sweats, you lose both fluid and electrolytes, and energy drinks replace both. The best brands include the likes of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which combine to aid your performance and boost your hydration levels. 

So, when you’re looking for an energy drink that is likely to help you when you’re playing soccer, check its electrolyte content above all else and make sure it delivers the key nutrient that your body needs to recover. 

In a comparison of energy drinks, the tried and trusted Gatorade was found to be one of the star performers and can undoubtedly help you recharge when you’re out on the soccer field. 

Rehydration sachets

You might have noticed in recent times that soccer players often take rehydration sachets and gels when they’re out on the field. These work a lot like energy drinks and provide a quick boost that provides both energy and hydration. 

There are lots of brands available as far as rehydration sachets are concerned, and you need to be mindful of the ingredients. Again, you should look for a brand that delivers electrolytes and other key nutrients, as these will give you a much-needed boost. 

A great option for soccer players is Nuun hydration sachets, which come in different flavors and sizes and consist of a multitude of valuable nutrients. So, if you’re looking to add something to your water bottle, a rehydration sachet could certainly help you when you’re playing soccer.

Are there any drinks you should avoid on the soccer field?

Just as there are lots of beneficial drinks that you can take during a soccer game, there are some that you should avoid, including: 

  • Alcohol: It stands to reason that taking alcohol during a soccer game is a bad idea. Even if you’re playing a sociable game with your friends, soccer isn’t a game during which you can sink a few beers and not worry about it. The alcohol will affect your decision-making and balance and could lead to injury. 
  • Fizzy drinks: You should avoid fizzy sodas while you’re playing, as they can lead to indigestion. So, even if you’re tempted, it’s not a good idea to sink a half-time Diet Coke or Mountain Dew to quench your thirst. 
  • Excess sugar drinks: While a bit of added sugar is okay and it’s helpful to some extent, going overboard and consuming too much sugar is a bad idea. It can lead to a quick spike and a resultant crash, which isn’t great for later in the match or after you’re finished. 

The key thing to remember when you’re choosing a drink to take during a soccer match is to be sensible. Water is the best option, but you can supplement it with an energy drink if you want to boost your electrolyte levels at the same time.

Why is staying hydrated important in soccer?

Staying hydrated during soccer helps you maintain blood pressure during exercise and ensures your heart doesn’t need to work harder than it needs to. What’s more, taking on sufficient levels of water during exercise prevents dehydration

To cool itself down, your body produces sweat, which you need to replenish with the right fluids. You shouldn’t rely on thirst as an indicator of your hydration levels, as most people only feel thirsty when they’ve lost around 2% of their body weight. 

Therefore, it’s incredibly important to drink fluids before, during, and after a soccer match to prevent dehydration, which can lead to a range of bodily issues and health problems. Water is undoubtedly the best drink you can take, but you might want to supplement it with an energy drink during the game for peak performance.

Recap: What do soccer players drink during games?

As is the case with most athletes, soccer players typically drink water during games to stay hydrated. As mentioned above, some also turn to energy drinks like Gatorade to supplement their performance. 

Staying hydrated during a soccer match is crucial as it allows your heart to function correctly and staves off dehydration. If you don’t take on enough fluids, your performance – and your health – can suffer as a result. 

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