How to Get Better at Soccer? (Top Tips!)

No matter the level at which you’re currently playing soccer, there’s always room for improvement. After all, if you’re not looking to improve, you will plateau. 

So, in this article, we explain in detail how to get better at soccer. We introduce several helpful tips that you can put to use, which we hope will help you boost your skills and performance on the field. 

You can act on as many of these tips that you find useful, and they’re ideal for everyone, regardless of current skill level and ability. So, without further ado, let’s look at how to get better at soccer in detail.

So, how to get better at soccer?

To improve your soccer skills, you need to practice. Join a local team and participate in their practice sessions as a starting point. You can then work on your skills in your own time by practicing at home and playing small-sided soccer. You can also become a student of the game and turn to different sources for inspiration, as we explain in detail throughout this article.

Practice, practice, practice

The key to mastering any skill in life is to practice. It’s impossible to become better at soccer if you don’t dedicate the time to improve in your own time. But how do you practice soccer? 

Well, begin by joining a team in your local area. You can sign up for a team and a league and participate in their training sessions. 

While you might not get picked for a squad right away, you can participate in the coach-led training sessions and work on various aspects of your game.

This is super valuable, as you can work on everything from your positioning to your first touch. You can also participate in drills that you can then work on at home and in your spare time.

Realistically, to improve at soccer, you should be attending at least one practice session each week.

Attend a soccer school

If you’re serious about making it as a soccer player, one of the best options for you is to attend a college with a coveted soccer program

The likes of Stanford, Princeton, and UCLA all have exceptional soccer programs for aspiring professionals, and participating in college sports is a great way to make it as a pro athlete. 

Of course, to be accepted into a college program, you need to have a specific skill level as well as a good grade point average. 

While this won’t be a viable step for everyone, it’s a good option for elite players to consider.

Become a student of the game

While not everyone can join a lucrative college to improve at soccer, everyone can become a student of the game. What do we mean by this? 

Well, becoming a student of the game is all about your mindset. You can view soccer in various forms as an opportunity for you to learn and improve. 

For instance, instead of watching a soccer game for the sake of it, you can study how the game unfolds in front of you. Consider the positioning of the players and the tactics employed by coaches.

You can reflect on what works well for specific teams and identify traits of certain players that you would like to incorporate into your own game. 

The same is true when you’re playing soccer. You can learn from your teammates and opponents and consider what aspects of their games you would like to work on.

As well as using your own experiences in soccer to become a student of the game, you can use sites like The Athletic to access excellent soccer-based journalism. 

The Athletic writers provide excellent content that is engaging and insightful, and it will help you enhance your knowledge and understanding of the beautiful game. We would highly recommend it.

Play small-sided soccer

When you’re getting into soccer for the first time, it might be tempting to sign up for a team that participates in a 11v11 league. After all, this is the format of the game that so many of us know and love. 

But in reality, signing up for small-sided soccer leagues is a great way to increase your game time. It also exposes you to a different level of soccer, enabling you to work on various aspects of your game.

For instance, setting up or joining a five-a-side team is an awesome way to improve your skills. It’s a super fast-paced way of playing the game, and you need to work on your touch and control to succeed. 

Playing small-sided soccer is also a great way to keep fit, as you’re constantly on the move during the match, as the ball is in play most of the time.

Another great thing about small-sided soccer is that you get more touches on the ball than you do during a 11v11 match. 

Every player in a small-sided soccer game is important, as there’s no hiding place out on the field! 

So, if you’re not currently part of a small-sided soccer team, consider forming or joining one, as doing so will help you improve your soccer skills.

Ask your coach for feedback

If you’re really passionate about improving at soccer, consider asking your coach for ways that you can improve. 

While criticism is hard to take, constructive feedback from your coach is a gift that you can’t afford to ignore. 

Soccer coaches are perfectly positioned to offer you in-depth, unbiased feedback that you can then use to work on your game.

For instance, your coach might think of you as a clinical striker with a great eye for goal. However, they may feel as if you could contribute to the team more by working on your ability to win headers in the air. 

This is something that you might not have thought about yourself. But hearing it from your coach provides you with the opportunity to set a plan in motion that will help you improve your heading.

Don’t be afraid to ask your coach for advice throughout the season, as it’s the best way to improve. Provided you listen to their advice and work on the individual aspects of your game, there’s no doubt that you will be able to improve your soccer skills. 

Work on your skills at home

Even if you’re not blessed with a great deal of space at home, there are a number of drills that you can conduct in your living room or backyard that can help you improve your soccer skills. 

For instance, one of the easiest ways to practice your first touch at home is to juggle a soccer ball. 

There are different sizes of soccer balls that you can pick up, which make it easy to work on different aspects of your game in a relatively confined space.

By juggling a mini soccer ball, for example, you can significantly improve your touch, balance, and spatial awareness. You can even juggle the soccer ball with your head, which is actually more challenging! 

Ultimately, these are crucial skills that will help you when you return to the soccer field.

Improve your physical condition

Fitness levels are integral to soccer. If you’re not in great shape, it’s really difficult to perform at the peak of your skills and abilities. 

So, spend some time in the gym working on your strength and conditioning, and you will undoubtedly see results on the soccer field. 

While cardio is super important, you should also look to build muscle mass and improve your core strength, as these will help you improve your presence on the soccer field.

Sometimes, when people are new to soccer, they don’t always realize how physically demanding a match is. But in reality, your fitness levels couldn’t be more important. 

So, if you want to improve at soccer, make sure you are in good physical shape and are happy to work hard on your fitness, as this will make a big difference on the field.

Take inspiration from professional players

So many of us harbor ambitions of making it as professional soccer players. After all, playing as a soccer pro would be an incredible way to make a living. 

If you’re just starting out in soccer, you can turn to professional players for inspiration. So many players have inspiring stories that are relatable to you and your soccer journey. 

Loads of professional soccer players maintain accounts on social media, so you can search for your favorite athletes on the platform of your choice to draw inspiration from their posts.

They often post glimpses into their careers and share stories from their careers, which might just be the inspiration you need to work on your game. 

Also, you can read autobiographies written by your favorite players, which allow you to explore their stories in more depth. 

One of our writers has just produced an inspirational piece on Manchester United legend Roy Keane, which you can check out if you’re hoping to learn from one of the best players to have played in the Premier League.

Attend live soccer matches

Last but not least, another way to work on your skills as a soccer player is to attend live matches in your local area. 

Watching other players live is an awesome way to gain insight into how you can work on your own game, and you can pick up lots of tips and inspiration from live matches. 

If you haven’t done so already, check out the MLS team that is local to your state and grab yourself a ticket to an upcoming match. 

You will be amazed at how enjoyable live soccer matches are if you’ve never attended one, and you can turn to some of the best players in the country to help you identify areas you can improve in your own game.

Top Tip: Attending your first ever soccer match? Don’t miss our guide on what to wear to a soccer match to ensure you plan your outfit in advance!

Recap: How to get better at soccer

Ultimately, there are so many things you can do to get better at soccer. But the key thing is to practice as much as you can. You should also speak to your coach and get some feedback that will help you identify potential areas of improvement. 

We hope you have found these tips helpful and encourage you to put them to good use as you look to get better at soccer this season.

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