How to Prepare for a Soccer Game

As is the case in every sport, if you fail to prepare, you should prepare to fail – and soccer is no different. Having played soccer at various levels for the best part of thirty years, I’ve prepared for my fair share of soccer matches! 

Sometimes I’ve been well prepared, and other times I couldn’t have prepared any worse if I tried! What’s interesting about this is that the times that I ignored preparation and just turned up to the fixture, I nearly always played badly. This is no coincidence. 

And while every player prepares slightly differently for upcoming matches, here are ten tips to help you prepare for a soccer game like a pro: 

Tip 1: Hydrate

Approximately 60% of the human body is made up of water, and it’s so easy to become dehydrated, particularly when you’re playing sports regularly. Therefore, one of the most important preparations for a soccer game is to stay hydrated. 

Make sure you drink sufficient water in the hours before the match, and avoid dehydrating substances like coffee. Also, limit your alcohol consumption the night before a soccer match, as alcohol is a leading cause of dehydration

So, get into the habit of hydrating yourself before the big match, and you will feel much better when you take to the field. You might also find our article on the best soccer drinks helpful, as we introduce some excellent ways to keep hydrated before and during a soccer game.

Tip 2: Clean your cleats

From an old-school perspective, turning up to a soccer game with dirty cleats gives off a terrible first impression. It shows that you don’t care a great deal about your appearance, and it isn’t an ideal start for your preparations. 

My dad used to make me clean my cleats immediately after training, so they would be ready for game day. While I used to think of it as a massive chore, I’m grateful for his persistence, as it’s a practice I’ve continued into my adult life. 

If you’re not sure of the best way to clean your soccer cleats, we put together a super helpful explainer article, taking you through the steps needed to wash your soccer cleats

Tip 3: Eat at the right time (and eat the right things)

Nutrition is just as important as hydration in the lead-up to a soccer match, and if you eat the wrong things, it can significantly affect your performance. To help you maintain good energy levels throughout the game, you need to load up on carbs – wholegrain pasta is a great option for a pre-match meal. 

When game day comes around, plan your meal for approximately three hours before kick-off. This gives your body sufficient time to digest the food and make the most of the nutrients within. 

You can have a light snack (a banana or protein bar, for instance) 1-2 hours before the match if you’re hungry. It’s really important not to play on a full stomach, as you can suffer from indigestion, and your performance will be negatively affected as a result. 

Tip 4: Arrive early

I’m of the belief that you need to arrive at least an hour before kick-off to prepare for a soccer game properly. While some amateur players rock up fifteen minutes before kick-off, doing so is nowhere near enough time to prepare properly. 

After all, you need to work through a warm-up and listen to your coach’s instructions, ensuring that you take to the field in the best possible frame of mind. 

So, agree with your teammates on the ideal time to arrive at the pitch before kick-off, and you will ensure that you have enough time to work on all of the necessary preparations before the action gets underway.

Tip 5: Warm up properly

The warm up is a crucial part of pre-match soccer preparations.

When you arrive at the venue of your soccer game, you need to allow sufficient time for a warm-up. And by warm-up, I don’t mean a quick jog around the pitch and straight into the action (although I’ve done this myself from time to time!). 

Ideally, your coach will lead you through a rigorous warm-up that helps you engage all of the muscles in your body before doing some simple ball work to get a feel for your touch on the surface.  

You know better than anyone how much exertion you need to put into a warm-up. Of course, it’s really important not to tire yourself out, but you need to ensure that your muscles aren’t cold when you take to the field, as the dynamic nature of soccer games can result in muscle tears and other injuries.

Tip 6: Listen to your body

This follows on from the last tip. While you can follow the coach’s warm-up instructions, you need to listen to what your body is telling you during the warm-up. If you feel a niggle in your hamstring or a tweak in your back, for instance, you need to address it.


This might necessitate applying some pain balm like deep heat to the affected area, or it might mean that you need to make the coach aware of your potential injury before taking to the field. 

The last thing you want is to play a soccer game when you’re injured, as you will exacerbate things and almost certainly make your injury worse. As disappointing as it is to be injured, you need to listen to your body and take the necessary action.

Tip 7: Understand the game plan

Now that your body is in good shape for the game ahead, it’s time to turn your attention to the game plan. Are you planning to attack your opponents? Or has the coach instructed you to park the bus and defend for your lives? 

You can’t turn up to every game assuming that you are going to approach it like the last, as every opponent presents different challenges. Therefore, you need to ingest the game plan and make sure that you know what you’re doing when you take to the field. 

If you’re not listening to the coach’s instructions and fail to take the game plan on board, you will be like a rabbit in the headlights on the field! 

Tip 8: Clear your head

The minutes and even hours leading up to a soccer game can be anxiety-inducing. After all, you want to give your all for the team and do everything you can to get a result

Therefore, it helps to clear your head by doing some mindfulness meditation before you head out onto the field. Slip your headphones on and listen to a guided meditation or tune into your favorite music. 

Even if it’s just ten minutes of alone time, you will be able to clear your head, and you can focus your energy and attention on the task at hand. This will ensure you can head to the pitch in the zone and be ready to face the opposition. 

Tip 9: Take the coach’s final instructions on board

As you prepare to take the field, you’re practically all set to enjoy the game! However, the coach might pull you to one side to give you some specific instructions that will give you an advantage on the field.

It could be to man-mark a specific player or to make a specific type of run to help your team in attack. Whatever it is, take these instructions on board and think about them as you enter the field. 

Working through these instructions in your mind will ensure that you’re ready to execute them when the game starts and will help you set off on the right foot. 

Tip 10: Enjoy yourself!

My last tip is the most important – don’t forget to enjoy yourself! This is the whole point of soccer in the first place. 

Taking on board the above tips will help you to prepare for a soccer game like a pro and ensure that you stand the best possible chance of winning the fixture. Good luck! 

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