How to Wash Soccer Cleats (7 Tips!)

Believe us; you’re not the only person to wonder how to wash soccer cleats! In fact, keeping soccer cleats clean and in good shape is a problem that most soccer players face. 

The good news is that we explain in detail how to wash your soccer cleats in this article, so you can look after your equipment the right way this season. 

What’s the best way to wash soccer cleats?

As soon as you get home from training or a match, it’s best to wash your soccer cleats right away. Scrape off any excess mud and use a soft-bristled brush to wash them in warm water. You can then let your cleats air dry naturally before applying dubbin or polish to the leather. You should then keep them inside until you’re ready to slip them on before your next soccer match. 

What happens if you don’t wash soccer cleats?

While it can be tempting to arrive home and throw your soccer cleats to one side, it’s best to get into the habit of washing them right away. If you leave them sitting outside or in your sports bag, the mud will dry and attach itself to the leather. 

Not only will this make your soccer cleats harder to clean, but it will potentially ruin them. Of course, leaving your soccer cleats for too long after a game or training session will cause them to smell, which is far from pleasant! 

Another thing to think about is that some teams issue fines to their players for showing up to matches (or even training) with dirty soccer cleats, so it certainly makes sense to wash them beforehand so you aren’t subjected to a fine by your teammates! 

Seven tips for washing your cleats

So now you know why washing your cleats is important; here are seven tips that will help you clean them without any issues. 

Wash them right away

As soon as you get home from training or the match, take your cleats out of your bag and wash them right away. This will ensure you don’t forget about washing them and also means that you can then sit back and relax once the job is done. 

What’s more, leaving mud on your cleats for too long can cause the material (particularly leather) to spoil, so it’s really important to clean them as soon as you can. 

Scrape off any excess mud before washing

As you prepare to wash your cleats, your first job should be to remove any excess dirt. A screwdriver is ideal for scraping the mud off your boots, or you can use something similar.


The main reason for doing this is that it will result in less mess when you get stuck in with a brush and warm water. 

Use a soft-bristled brush

Once you’ve removed the excess mud from your cleats, it’s time to use some elbow grease. Add some warm water with a small amount of soap to a basin and leave to one side. 

Then, grab a soft-bristled brush and gently remove the mud that has accumulated on your cleats. It’s really important to use a soft-bristled brush, as hard bristles will almost certainly affect the leather. 

Let them air-dry naturally

Now that you’ve cleaned them wipe your cleats with a dry towel and inspect your work. You might need to run the brush back over once or twice to remove any stubborn bits of mud. 

When you’re happy with your handiwork, leave your cleats out to dry for a couple of hours. Don’t be tempted to put them in the airing cupboard or on top of the radiator, as this can cause the leather to dry out. 

Use newspaper to dry the inside

If your cleats were particularly muddy and the insoles are now wet, you can scrunch up some used newspaper and place it inside your cleats. 

The newspaper will absorb the excess water and will ensure the insoles are nice and dry when you come to wear your cleats in the near future. 

Apply dubbin or polish

When your cleats are completely dry, apply dubbin or polish to protect the leather. Dubbin is ideal if you have a pair of colored boots, and it keeps the leather nice and moist. 

 But if you’re old school and you wear a pair of classic black cleats, polishing them up after washing them is a great way to make them shine when you take to the field. 

Store them inside

Now that you have washed and polished your cleats, it’s time to store them correctly. While some people leave their cleats outside, it’s best not to do this as the elements can affect the material. 

Place your clean cleats at the base of your wardrobe or in the shoe cupboard at your front or back door for safekeeping. This will mean they’re ready for you to slip on when you next take to the soccer field. 

Bonus Tip!

As well as cleaning your soccer cleats, it’s really important to look after them in other ways. We put together this handy guide to looking after your soccer cleats, which is worth checking out if you’ve just spent a fair amount of money on a new pair of cleats! 

Recap: How to wash soccer cleats

The key thing to remember is that you should wash your soccer cleats right away when you get home, so you don’t leave the mud and dirt any time to affect the material of your cleats. 

Then, by following the handy tips above, you can rest assured that your soccer cleats will be clean and ready for you to wear the next time you head to training or take on your opponents in a match.

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