Soccer Now & Then (Is It Easier Today?!)

Many people are interested in comparing soccer now to the beautiful game in the past. After all, the game has changed a lot in recent decades.

Given advances in technology and upgrades to facilities and equipment, the question is valid – is soccer easier today than in the past? Let’s find out. 

Is playing soccer today easier than it was in the past?

Due to the incredible advances in recent technology, from things like sports science to data analysis and vastly improved facilities, playing soccer now is easier in many ways than it was in the past. There are so many aspects that soccer players today can draw upon that simply weren’t available in the game merely twenty years ago. We look at how soccer has changed and become easier for players in the sections that follow. 


How has soccer changed in recent decades and become easier?

We must start by saying that the answer to this question is subjective. Some people might say that soccer is more difficult today, as it has become much more about physical fitness and the very fine margins at the top of the game. 

However, it’s widely accepted that due to the incredible technological advances we’ve enjoyed in recent years, soccer has become easier and more accessible at all levels of the sport. There are so many reasons why soccer is easier thanks to recent changes, but most of them originate from the fact that players have access to so many resources and insights that just weren’t there 20-30 years ago. 

Below, we look at some of the most considerable ways that the game of soccer has changed in recent years to illustrate how you can make the case that the game is easier now than it has been in the past. 

Better pitches

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