What Not to Do Before a Soccer Game (Tips)

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As you’re preparing for the big game, you might be wondering what not to do before a soccer game! 

After all, preparation is key, and as the saying goes – if you fail to prepare, you should prepare to fail. Whether you’re playing small-sided soccer with your friends or competing in an amateur soccer league in your region, it’s really important to prepare for the match in the right way. 

So, with that in mind, this article introduces you to some tips about what not to do before a soccer game to ensure that you prepare for kick-off in the right way! 

Five things to avoid before a soccer game

While everyone prepares slightly differently for a sporting event, there are some things that everyone can agree on! From experience, here are five things that you should avoid before a soccer game to make sure that you’re in the best possible shape as you take to the field:  


Heading on a night out before a big soccer game is a mistake. While it might seem like some harmless fun, even enjoying one or two beers in the evening can have a negative impact on your preparations. 

While amateur soccer players don’t necessarily need to abstain from alcohol throughout the season, you should get into the habit of avoiding alcohol the day/night before a match. 

This ensures that you have a clear head when you wake up on the day of the game and means that you don’t need to worry about the other negative impacts associated with alcohol consumption. 

Too much food

Eating correctly before a soccer match is a tricky thing to get right. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve arrived at the side of a soccer field only to feel full to bursting when the game gets underway. Equally, I’ve also played soccer on an empty stomach, which is also far from ideal! 

Therefore, you need to think carefully about what to eat in the lead-up to a soccer game, as well as when it’s best to eat your meal. 

For instance, I eat a simple meal of beans on toast approximately 90 minutes before a game of soccer. I find that it fills me up enough so that I’m not hungry, and I get sufficient energy from the food when it comes to kick-off! 

Of course, everyone has a different pre-match ritual in terms of what they eat and drink, but make sure you avoid excessive amounts of food, as you don’t want to be too full to get through your running on the soccer field! 

Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are generally bad for you, but you should be careful what you drink in the lead-up to a soccer match. Sugary drinks often lead to a sugar rush, providing you with a burst of energy for a short period of time. 

But as you probably know, a sugar crash is just on the other side of the high, and the last thing you want is to be caught out during a soccer match! 

Of course, it’s really important to remain hydrated before a soccer game, but you should stick to water wherever possible. You can then consider which drinks are best to take during a soccer match but be careful not to overdo the sugar in the hours before the game. 

Wondering about the best ways to stay hydrated during a soccer match? Discover the best drinks for soccer players in this article! 


Heading onto the soccer field when you’re stressed can lead to bad decisions. The temptation is always there to take your stress out on your teammates or the opposition, which is damaging to your team’s chances of winning. 

While stress permeates every part of our daily lives, it’s really helpful to perform a simple meditation before heading out onto the soccer field, as clearing your head is a great way to focus on the game in front of you. 

I know lots of people play soccer as a way of alleviating stress – which is great – but try your level best to leave any stress on the sidelines before you enter the field, as you don’t want it to cloud your judgment during the match! 

An excessive warm-up

Warming up is an extremely important part of any pre-soccer game routine, and again, every player has different needs and preferences when it comes to warming up. 

However, be careful not to over-exert yourself in a soccer warm-up. You should focus on loosening up your muscles, stretching, and getting your heartbeat going, all of which will help you when you take to the field. 

If you expend too much energy during the warm-up, you won’t have as much to use on the field! I’ve seen lots of teams do too much in the warm-up before games, and it doesn’t typically end well! 

So, make sure that you understand what your body is telling you and warm up without over-exerting yourself, to ensure that you’re in peak condition when the action gets underway. 

How to prepare for a soccer game the right way?

The way that you prepare for a soccer game really depends on a number of factors. However, the following is helpful information for you to consider, from which you can develop the perfect pre-game ritual to ensure that you prepare in the right way: 

  • Avoid alcohol the day before (and of) a soccer game to keep a clear head. 
  • Ensure you get sufficient sleep and rest the day before the match. 
  • Plan your pre-match meals to ensure that you eat approximately ninety minutes before kick-off. This ensures that you will have sufficient energy to play soccer. 
  • Don’t rely on sugary drinks to give you a short-term energy boost, and hydrate with water instead. 
  • Try and avoid stressful situations in the hours before kick-off – being stressed on the field can lead to bad decision-making! 
  • Consider and perform your warm-up carefully and make sure you don’t overexert yourself before taking to the field. 

For further advice on how to get ready for a match, read our comprehensive guide on how to prepare for a soccer game!

Recap: What not to do before a soccer game

So, as you can see, there are several things you should avoid before a soccer game to make sure that you prepare for the fixture in the best possible way. 

Although everyone is different, the simple tips introduced here will help you make your preparations and give you the best possible chance of starting the game in good shape. 

Keen to learn more about how to prepare for soccer more generally? Check out this recent article, where we explain how to get in better shape for soccer

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